Columbus in American History - This project highlights the local Columbus connections to broader national themes and patterns in American history.
African-American History - These collections detail the African-American experience in Columbus from the early 1800s through late 1900s.
Columbus Neighborhoods - This project provides segments of WOSU Columbus Neighborhoods documentaries with accompanying discussion questions.
Historic Places Collection - Learn more about landmarks, historic homes, buildings, maps, and markers throughout the city of Columbus and surrounding communities.
City Quests - This project uses historic sites to take you on an investigative journey, connecting local history with the American experience.
Primary Source Collections - Primary source collections include digital versions of historic documents from Columbus history.
History of Public Schools in Columbus - Read about the first century of public education in Columbus and the later implementation of school desegregation.
Landmarks Discussion Guide - This guide provides discussion points on the history and architecture of landmarks throughout the city.
Coming Soon!
Columbus: A History of Our City - This online textbooks on local history is designed for elementary and middle school students.